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We work with our Norwegian partners to provide innovative and customized multi-domain technologies and together protect society from the threats of a constantly changing world. Saab Technologies 挪威 AS is an economically independent Norwegian company within the Saab group with headquarters in Halden, 在奥斯陆设有办事处,在雷纳设有办事处, Setermoen, 以及斯塔万格和哈尔登的服务和支持中心. Our dedicated team of experts is in constant contact with the various Saab units around the world to ensure that our Norwegian customers receive the most suitable solutions. We maintain regular and close contact with all our end users and Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). 对市场有详细的了解, 了解不断变化的客户需求及其流程是关键.


Sirius Compact |播客

The increasing use of EW has led to more and more near-peer conflicts where enemies are fighting with the same types of weapons. 因此,信息和数据在战术战争中变得越来越重要. Obtaining this data at an early stage without the knowledge of the enemy is a fine art and a skill that will play a key role in deciding the outcome of future warfare. Sirius Compact provides individuals and small units with instant situational awareness - where and when you need it.



视频- 16:10


近年来,在全球范围内,对海底基础设施的依赖有所增加. 海底战争涉及破坏海底基础设施的主要风险. 许多国家正在投资发展自己的深水能力,以应对当前和未来的威胁, 被称为“海底战争”.


我们的主要目标是确保在适当的时间得到有效的支持, 在正确的地方. Saab provides service and support of base maintenance for the radar and optronic tracking fire control director Ceros 200, TactiCall, 武器定位系统,亚瑟, 培训 & 模拟和西科斯基S-92直升机. We understand the importance of service and support for the success of your domestic and international missions.


在信任的范围内合作, our industrial partners and the Norwegian armed forces benefit from innovative and cost-effective products and lifetime services. 十大正规博彩网站评级产品坚固可靠,在所有环境条件下都经过验证和测试. Saab also acts as a reliable system integrator in cooperation with military and civil security companies.​

GLSDB - 360度参与

为现代战场提供无与伦比的能力. Our Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) is a long-range precision munition that meets the evolving needs of armed forces. GLSDB提供了最高的灵活性,并补充了现有的弹道武器, build upon the proven and successful Small Diameter Bomb Increment (SDB I) and Multiple Launch Rocket System rockets. SDB是一种250磅级武器,配备先进的抗干扰GPS系统辅助惯性导航系统, 结合起来有多种用途, 穿透式爆破破片弹头和可编程电子引信.



在今天的现代战争中,装备精良的火炮的重要性已经发挥了作用. Enemy drones are pushing artillery deployment areas further back which means that the demand for artillery with longer range has increased. 火炮的射程是高成本的驱动因素,在这个阶段,军队有很大的漏洞需要填补, 成本效益是关键. GLSDB是目前射程与成本比最高的导弹系统. GLSDB with its 150 km range gives armies the possibility to strike high pay-off targets in a with 1 m accuracy deep into enemy territory to a lower cost than all other system.

培训 & 模拟

盟国之间的联合训练是所有北约成员国之间的一个关键话题. Interoperability training at brigade level and beyond is being given greater focus in order to ensure effective training – often together with international allies – and to be prepared for current and future threats. 它还可以快速灵活地更改角色.



Combat forces are equipped with new and emerging technologies and operate in an increasingly complex battlefield, 在敌方精确的火力下, 造成和接受伤亡, 在极端环境条件下. 然而,没有什么可以代替实际的战斗经验, 现实主义是优化训练体验的关键. Saab’s live training solutions delivers that realism and the high fidelity data to learn the key lesson to maximize combat effectiveness. 虚拟模拟训练允许用户练习程序和设备处理, 并结合现场仿真训练,增加了关键的外部影响因素.

长颈鹿1 x

长颈鹿1 x is an ideal air surveillance component in the Ground Based 空气 Defence (GBAD) domain that provides ground based air defence commanders with engagement quality target data, 无人机探测和反火炮, 火箭和迫击炮(C-RAM)在单一解决方案中感知和警告. It is the ideal main sensor for a Very Short Range Radar (VSHORAD) system and can be used as a gap filler that complements larger GBAD systems, 或作为反无人机(C-UAS)解决方案.


阅读更多: 长颈鹿1 x

视频- 02:35


Saab Barracuda´s advanced Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) is intended primarily for protection of military vehicles during movement and in combat and helps the vehicle to blend in with the surroundings. MCS是一个灵活的解决方案, 哪些可以应用于使用不同类型材料的几种配置. 它提供对传感器的保护, 视觉上的伪装能力, 近红外, 短波红外线, 热红外光谱和宽带雷达波段, 调光传感器, 模糊目标和愚弄智能弹药,提供战术和操作优势.

阅读更多: 梭鱼MCS

伍德兰MCS 360
SAFE -命令. 控制. 沟通.

SAFE是一个真正统一的关键任务事件和运营管理平台. 该解决方案取代了遗留的完全不同的解决方案,例如C&C, 可以, 地理信息系统, CRM和移动数据与一个单一的现代平台, 在单个用户界面内提供完整的控制室功能集. SAFE使用户能够更快地做出更明智的决定. 该溶液可提高初次接触时的分辨率, 提高客户满意度,使资源更有效地运作. SAFE的核心是一个强大的基于工作流的规则引擎和用户界面工具, enabling tailored configuration to meet business process and workflow requirements of individual customers. 随着需求的增长,组织可以发展工作流和设计.






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